Overcome your sleep problems and insomnia through practical sleep coaching with long-term results
Every day, so many people like you struggle with insomnia or even just getting great quality sleep, yet providing you don't have a medical disorder or condition, it is completely possible for you to develop the skill of sleeping well at night consistently for many years to come.
Beatrix A Schmidt
Sleep Coach, Professional Speaker, creator of the Sleep Skills for Life Programme and the Author of The Sleep Deep Method®
Sleeping well consistently every night is less about your science ‘knowledge’ and more about developing practical sleep skills
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From struggling with sleep problems to sleeping well consistently
I know from personal experience how it feels not to be able to sleep well at night. I struggled with insomnia in the past too and dreaded going to bed not knowing how the night will turn out.
I used to toss and turn in bed at night and it often took me over an hour to fall asleep. Then I'd wake up in the middle of the night a couple of times (in my case because of nose bleeds and overthinking) and found it difficult to get back to sleep again. And of course, I woke up in the morning feeling tired or even exhausted, and all of that before having to face a busy day.
Today, I don't have any of those problems and it's great to teach others like you the practical sleep skills that enabled me to overcome my insomnia and sleep well every night no matter what happens during the day.
I'm very proud of the work that I do helping clients finally sleep well again.
Book a Free Sleep Assessment Appointment
Sleep Coaching
Since 2014, I've worked with a limited number of one-to-one clients each month to help them finally overcome long-term sleep problems or insomnia. This premium sleep coaching package is completely tailor-made and personalised to ensure that you achieve great quality sleep consistently for many years to come.

Live Group Sleep Coaching
The Sleep Skills for Life Programme is designed as a structured and practical sleep coaching course to teach the tools and techniques that will help you improve your sleep significantly. This programme is facilitated by me through the live group sleep coaching sessions and the interactive programme platform.

On-demand video Masterclasses
I know how much information you can find online about overcoming long-term insomnia and sleep problems. You often see the same advice quoted which you know hasn't worked for you because you tried them all. The Masterclasses I offer are based on sleep coaching principles and a step-by-step guide so that you can start working on the practicalities of sleep improvements.

Corporate Talks and Workshops
I worked with many organisations to support employees to improve their sleep and overcome long-term sleep problems or insomnia over the years. With a range of corporate packages available, we can really start to tackle the cost of sleep deprivation, sleep problems and insomnia that influences engagement and productivity in the workplace daily.
It's completely possible to sleep well consistently every night
Since I started my sleep coaching practice in 2014, I worked with so many great clients who almost lost hope in finally being able to overcome their sleep problems or insomnia.
It takes commitment, time and work to retrain your body (and your mind) to create healthy and optimized sleep every night. It certainly isn't about 'top tips' or 'secrets' like you might have read or heard through other resources.
Sleep changes every night, which is probably one of the frustrating things especially when you don't know how to influence the outcome. The great thing about us human beings is that we can learn sleep skills and train ourselves to improve our sleep across all stages of our life. Sleep is not as much about the 'science' but more about the practicalities.
The best way to show you what is possible is to share what my previous clients say about working with me:
When I started working with Beatrix I was in quite a low place. A combination of running a successful and quickly growing business together with raising 2 kids, a home building project and a poorly elderly mother (at a distance) created something of a perfect storm to throw my sleep out completely and suddenly at the start of February.
I only slept every few days (when I was exhausted) …before that my sleep was fine. My GP’s lack of time led to little more than experimenting with a range of pharmaceuticals that did nothing useful and they often fell back to prescribing sleeping pills. My situation was compounded by June as my episodic migraine turned into daily migraine and I ended up in a ‘can’t sleep because of migraine pain… and …get migraine because of lack of sleep’ loop which seriously impacted my quality of life.
During work with Beatrix, you will get to recognise what the real stressors are in your life, how to manage ( and frankly de-fuse) them. By doing this, these issues just don’t appear at night and sleep happens naturally. She has provided me with a toolset here for life.
The pharmaceuticals are long-gone and sleep is much better and I am back to my usual 6-7 h level. I’m back doing my 5 km runs 3 times a week and other leisure activities, always remaining mindful of finding daily space to relax and decompress. I certainly recommend Beatrix to anyone suffering with sleep problems - I took action within a few months of running into problems and with her patient and tailored work, this has prevented a situation running into very long term suffering and bought back my joie de vivre...
Business owner and director
Before I began working with Beatrix, I was in a very low place. I had been suffering with 'Long Covid', and had chronic sinus problems that affected my breathing. I dreaded going to bed, I was up 3 or 4 times every night and I was averaging around 4 to 5 hours of very disturbed sleep per night.
Even before this illness, I hadn't been a great sleeper, sleeping no more than 6 hours per night. When I began work with Beatrix, I immediately felt better, she has a calm and assuring presence that helped put me at ease. However I had so many reservations. I doubted whether I would actually be able to change, I doubted whether things could really get better, as Beatrix had assured me that they would.
But each doubt that I had turned out to be unfounded, and at each stage of the process, change did happen, and I grew more confident. The key thing that changed was my perception of self. I had myself pegged as a 'light sleeper', whereas today, I think of myself as someone who can sleep well, no matter what is happening externally. I was surprised by the depth to Beatrix's work, and I particularly enjoyed and benefited from our work exploring personality types.
I learned that it is the beliefs I hold about myself (in particular a belief that, no matter what I do, it won't be good enough), that contribute to a general lack of satisfaction with life, and which then impact sleep negatively. In understanding how these beliefs are impacting my life, I have learned to recognise them when they come up and address them there and then.
All of this has meant that, not only do I sleep better at night, I am much more calm and centred throughout my days. I can't thank Beatrix enough for the joy and wellbeing she has brought to my life. Not only am I sleeping better, my husband is too, having taken on some of the learnings also. This truly is a life changing process, and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Maurice Carlin
Director of Islington Mill
When I first got in touch with Beatrix, I was in a bad place with my sleep. A difficult mix of fatigue, an inability to sleep and the resultant anxiety made the start of my final year of university extremely difficult, and I felt at a loss. My academic studies suffered, and I wasn’t happy with my routine and lifestyle. I
would struggle to fall asleep, and if I woke up during the night, it would be a miracle if I managed to fall back to sleep. Instead of trying every farcical remedy I had found online or in the shops, I realised that I had to get to the root of the problem in order to improve my quality of life. I thoroughly enjoyed my work with Beatrix and felt completely supported and understood along the way.
We tried many different exercises, each time learning something new about myself and my mind. This process enabled me to work out that my sleep was being affected by a complex and negative mindset, which I stood no chance of improving without professional help. Understanding my mind and emotions has been so important in dealing with any stresses and life challenges, as I can now cope with them in a more pragmatic way.
I cannot overstate the positive impact that Beatrix’ work has had on my life, and my general happiness. I now no longer describe myself as having a ‘sleep problem’, because my sleep is great. When I look back to where I was in September, it is quite astounding to see how far I have come. I may still have the odd bad night, but I don’t panic about it in the way that I used to.
Along with my better sleep, I have also become much happier with myself and my new routine. My studies have improved drastically, and I have Beatrix’s dedication to her work to thank for this, as well as myself for sticking to her advice!
Charlie Lake
Student at the University of Leeds
Hello there!
I'm Beatrix
Ever since I overcame my insomnia by developing practical sleep skills, I believe that it's possible for you to do the same.
I'm absolutely fascinated by the topic of sleep and how we can improve sleep, as well as overcome sleep problems no matter what the situation is. This natural curiosity is what helped me to become an experienced sleep coach and help clients with complex insomnia and sleep problems to sleep well again consistently.
As a sleep coach, I use my own Methodology called The Sleep Deep Method® combining my sleep science knowledge, personal insomnia experience, practical tools and techniques as well as my understanding of the link between the human mind and body to help you finally sleep well consistently again, no matter what the day brings.
My practical sleep coaching programmes and courses are there to help you learn how to fall asleep easily, sleep through the night without wakings and wake up energised ready to live your life to the fullest each day.
Read my insomnia storyStart learning through my free Sleep Coaching videos
With over 100 videos on my sleep coaching blog and YouTube channel, you can start learning how to improve your sleep and even overcome your sleep problems or insomnia.
But a word of warning: there is no such thing as 'quick', 'easy', 'fast' or even 'overnight' magical results.
Improving your sleep takes time, commitment and work. But you know this already if you've tried those general things you can find online...
Explore the Free ResourcesSleeping well consistently every night is less about your science ‘knowledge’ and more about developing practical sleep skills
Join my community to start learning how to develop your sleep skills