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Sleep coaching for adults who struggle with long-term sleep problems and insomnia

Since 2014, I've had the privilege to help clients say goodbye to endless nights of sleep struggles and welcome a new 'life' through consistently great sleep no matter what the day brings. Let me introduce you to what sleep coaching for adults is and how it can help you.

Beatrix A Schmidt

Sleep Coach, Professional Speaker, creator of the Sleep Skills for Life Programme and the Author of The Sleep Deep MethodĀ®

Sleeping well consistently every night is less about your science ā€˜knowledgeā€™ and more about developing practical sleep skills

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Ever since I overcame my insomnia by developing practical sleep skills, I believe that it's possible for you to do the same.

I still remember my time through insomnia. The tossing and turning with no end in sight because for some reason I couldn't fall asleep, the frustration and disappointment in the middle of the night when I was yet again awake, and then dragging myself out of bed in the morning once my third alarm went off to put on a brave face and do my best to somehow get through the day.

I'm not sure about you, but we all tend to have a turning point. At that point when we just had enough of the constant struggle and look for someone who can finally help us return to great sleep.

My turning point came when I regularly woke up with nose bleeds in the middle of the night, it really scared me, because I simply didn't know what was wrong with me.

Today, I don't have any of those sleep-related problems. I fully overcame insomnia and have been enjoying great quality sleep for many years.

But the best bit in getting through the sleep struggles and learning all the hard lessons along the way is that today, I get to teach others like you the practical sleep skills that enabled me to overcome my insomnia and sleep well every night no matter what happens during the day.

I'm very proud of the work that I do helping clients like you finally sleep well again.

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What is sleep coaching for adults and how can it help you?

Sleep coaching for adults can take many forms, and can also depend on the background of the sleep coaching professional, the years of practice they had, the range and complexity of sleep problems they worked with and the principles they studied.

The way I work with clients through my one-to-one or group sleep coaching programmes is designed in a way that it focuses on the outcome: helping you to develop great quality sleep for many years to come.

You see, great sleep is not as much about your scientific 'knowledge' as it is about how you apply the knowledge, the self-awareness to the tools, techniques or exercises and personalise it so that it can fully address the root cause of your long-term sleep problems or insomnia. Without focusing on this particular approach, you're really just guessing and trying a bunch of things that are not necessarily relevant to the actual sleep problems you are experiencing.

My sleep coaching approach which is based on my own Methodlogy called The Sleep Deep MethodĀ®. It enables me to ensure that the sessions are designed to help you figure out what stops you from being able to sleep well consistently. You might 'think' you know this already, but if you haven't yet overcome your long-term insomnia or sleep problems, then you're probably only scratching the surface or you have jumped to conclusions too early.

Whilst sleep problems look similar from the outside for example: not being to fall asleep easily or experiencing nighttime wakings without your ability to be able to fall asleep easily again, often the way to overcome them needs to be personalised to the person and their current stage of life. No two people's sleep problem or insomnia is exactly the same, simply because physically, emotionally and mentally we are not exactly the same either. What causes a problem to one person, doesn't even enter the mind of another.

Interactive sleep coaching for adults is a brilliant way for you to learn what you need, untangle what you don't need, understand how your sleep problems unfold, and teach you the sleep skills you need to retrain your body and your mind so that you know exactly how to create great quality sleep every night no matter what. It is really that practical and it works.

Let's take the guesswork out, stop you endlessly 'trying' things that deliver inconsistent results at best and save you money for years to come buying things out of desperation for a great night's sleep.

Jump to how to get started

Choose between One-to-One and Live Group Coaching Services

In my sleep coaching practice, I offer two main sleep coaching services. These have been proven to be effective and deliver results for clients who have worked with me in the past.

But a word of warning: there is no such thing as 'quick', 'easy' and 'fast' ways to overcome long-term sleep problems or insomnia. It's completely possible to overcome non-medical sleep problems and insomnia but it takes commitment, time and work to learn what it takes to finally sleep well again, it's a real shame that so many articles or publications seem to claim the opposite.

Both of the interactive sleep coaching services are based on my own Methodology that I published in 2014 called The Sleep Deep MethodĀ®Ā and aims to teach you all the necessary tools, techniques and exercises that will enable to you retrain your body and your mind, therefore learning to sleep well consistently no matter what happens during the day.

Feel free to look through the information for both of them below before you get in touch.

The Sleep Deep MethodĀ® book cover

Sleep Coaching

Since 2014, I've worked with a limited number of one-to-one clients each month to help them finally overcome long-term sleep problems or insomnia. This premium sleep coaching package is completely tailor-made and personalised to ensureĀ that youĀ achieve great quality sleep consistently for many years to come.

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Live Group Sleep Coaching

The Sleep Skills for Life Programme is designed as a structured and practical sleep coaching course toĀ teachĀ the tools and techniques that will help you improve your sleep significantly. This programme is facilitated by me through the live group sleep coaching sessions and the interactive programme platform.

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It's simple to get started

If you're unsure which services are best suited to your sleep situation, I offer a Complimentary Sleep Assessment appointment.

This is a relaxed online appointment that usually lasts about an hour but may take slightly longer depending on your current situation. We will first discuss your current situation with sleep, theĀ extent of your insomnia or sleep issues you have. This session alone always provides valuable learnings for you and will give you clarity about what might be the real reasons why you are struggling to sleep well at night or developed sleep issues.

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I do not include any 'hard sell' during the time we spend. I am here to help and support you and always looking forward to giving my full commitment and attention to really getting to the bottom of your sleep problems. This is what I stand for and believe in.

If I feel that I am the best person to help you, I will then share ways you can continue working with me.

I am based in the United Kingdom and the majority of my sleep coaching work is online simply because I work with clients worldwide, so these complimentary sessions are arranged online via Zoom which is an online conference software (rarely in-person sessions in the UK can be arranged at an additional cost).

I am looking forward to talking about your sleep!

Beatrix A Schmidt

Sleep Coach, Professional Speaker, creator of the Sleep Skills for Life Programme and the Author of The Sleep Deep MethodĀ®

Sleeping well consistently every night is less about your science ā€˜knowledgeā€™ and more about developing practical sleep skills

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