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How would your life change if you slept well consistently every night?

Every client's success story is different, just as every person's sleep problems or insomnia struggles are different.Ā I absolutely love showing clients the simple and practical ways to finally learn to sleep well consistently again.

Beatrix A Schmidt

Sleep Coach, Professional Speaker, creator of the Sleep Skills for Life Programme and the Author of The Sleep Deep MethodĀ®

Sleeping well consistently every night is less about your science ā€˜knowledgeā€™ and more about developing practical sleep skills

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Find the most relevant testimonials:

One to One Sleep Coaching

I work differently with each and every client because I completely believe that we're all unique and therefore need fully tailor-made sleep coaching to work with who you are and the lifestyle you are currently living.

Jump to One-to-One client testimonials

Live Group Sleep Coaching

The Sleep Skills for Life Programme is a 4-month-long live group sleep coaching programme designed to help and support you to develop tangible, practical sleep skills that will help you for many years to come.

Jump to Group Sleep Coaching testimonials

Corporate Workshops

According to various recent research and survey results, in the UK alone approximately 1 in 3 people struggle with insomnia or other sleep issues affecting their daytime productivity and engagement in the workplace.

Jump to Corporate Workshop testimonials

One-to-One Sleep Coaching Testimonials

Before I began working with Beatrix, I was in a very low place. I had been suffering with 'Long Covid', and had chronic sinus problems that affected my breathing. I dreaded going to bed, I was up 3 or 4 times every night and I was averaging around 4 to 5 hours of very disturbed sleep per night.

Even before this illness, I hadn't been a great sleeper, sleeping no more than 6 hours per night. When I began work with Beatrix, I immediately felt better, she has a calm and assuring presence that helped put me at ease. However I had so many reservations.

I doubted whether I would actually be able to change, I doubted whether things could really get better, as Beatrix had assured me that they would. But each doubt that I had turned out to be unfounded, and at each stage of the process, change did happen, and I grew more confident.

The key thing that changed was my perception of self. I had myself pegged as a 'light sleeper', whereas today, I think of myself as someone who can sleep well, no matter what is happening externally.

I was surprised by the depth to Beatrix's work, and I particularly enjoyed and benefited from our work exploring personality types. I learned that it is the beliefs I hold about myself (in particular a belief that, no matter what I do, it won't be good enough), that contribute to a general lack of satisfaction with life, and which then impact sleep negatively. In understanding how these beliefs are impacting my life, I have learned to recognise them when they come up and address them there and then.

All of this has meant that, not only do I sleep better at night, I am much more calm and centred throughout my days. I can't thank Beatrix enough for the joy and wellbeing she has brought to my life. Not only am I sleeping better, my husband is too, having taken on some of the learnings also.

This truly is a life changing process, and I wholeheartedly recommend it.

Maurice Carlin

Director of Islington Mill



I worked with Beatrix for several months and my sleep changed from just having one good day of sleep a week (probably from exhaustion) to being able to get good sleep most days of the week.

I am over the moon to have been able to get my sleep on track!

Equally important, Beatrix has helped me to develop tools to deal with my anxiety and I have gained great self-awareness which will help me with whatever challenges I face with my sleep (or life!) again.

Beatrix was very patient, encouraging and non judgmental. This made working with her very comfortable. I also felt that she really cared about me and she adapted her sessions according to my progress. Her service was very bespoke.

I fully recommend her services not just for the sleep but as an investment on your long-term general well-being.


Director of a fashion startup



Having tried all manner of treatments and gadgets to help with my sleep I finally managed to get to meet Beatrix Schmidt who kindly took me on as a client.

I found it hard to go to sleep, woke too frequently for too long at night, slept about 5-6 hours on average for about 10 years and was always very tired.

By the end of our work, I was able to fall asleep within 15 minutes and sleeping at least 7,5 hours consistently. I don't quite sleep through without waking but I drift off quickly when I do wake.

Well I am 54! I can now safely say I am sleeping much much better and my energy levels are high. I can handle poor sleep but coupled with very low energy every day was a drudge.

I would highly recommend Beatrix to anyone with sleep issues.

Dermot O'Grady

Managing Director as seen on



Before Beatrix and I started working together, I hadn't had a decent night's sleep in nearly three years. I mainly struggled with waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep - sometimes I'd be up for over an hour and other nights I wouldn't go back to sleep at all.

I was irritable and struggled to concentrate during the day. I was only able to do the bare minimum at work and had to force myself to participate in social settings.

I would wake up in the morning dreading the day ahead, waiting for it to be over.

In working with Beatrix, I appreciated her kind and honest approach. Beatrix has taught me how to set achievable goals for myself and how to find elements of happiness and calmness throughout my day.

I learned a lot about myself during our work together and the personal problems that were affecting my sleep. My sleep has drastically improved.

Since we started working together, I have slept through the entire night over five times - something I hadn't done once in the three years prior. I also have better quality sleep and have stopped taking sleeping medication.

I have learned that I need to take some time in my day to reflect and let things go so that I'm not doing this in the middle of the night.

I'd recommend Beatrix to anyone struggling with their sleep as it is an invaluable investment in your well-being.

Ashley Ogasawara

Senior People and Operations Manager at Healthily as seen on



After a long period of sleep challenges (17 years) where I thought I had tried everything, Harley Street professionals, hypnotherapy, sleep schools, you name it I tried it. By the way, it cost me thousands trying to find an answer to my sleep issues. Then I was recommended to reach out to Beatrix.

Having worked with Beatrix now for over 6 months, I feel compelled to share my experiences. Most importantly the impact that working with Beatrix will bring to your wellbeing and current sleep situation.

Beatrix is more of a professional life coach, she will get to understand you, be aware she will probably understand you more than you do yourself!

She will challenge your way of thinking, create a positive balance in your mindset, whilst assisting you with tools to use when and if you require them with your sleep. It is not easy, but then how easy is your situation with sleep? If like me, it consumed me for over 17 years. There is no quick fix and I still have the challenges from time to time, but I have a tool kit to use and confidence that no one else showed me.

I would have no hesitation to anyone, particularly those professionals that at times, need to reflect, capture where they are at, but actually do something that will help you get your sleep, mind and wellbeing on track.

I can honestly say I really enjoyed working with Beatrix, do not suffer any longer, you have one life, do not waste it with negative thoughts and sleep issues, do something about it.

David Clarke

Managing Director of Eurofins Chemtest Limited as seen on


I had been having sleep problems for about 6 months when I looked for a sleep coach.

When I met Beatrix we made some changes to my sleep environment and changed my bedtime. Within 2 months the amount of sleep that I was getting improved most nights. I found the exercise looking at my emotions and the language I use was particularly helpful. I have changed my language as a result.

Staying in the present moment has also made a difference. The exercises that Beatrix shared with me enable my mind to process the day; these are both part of my daily routine.

I had a couple of difficult situations to deal with during my time working with Beatrix. Beatrix talked them through with me and enabled me to see them from another perspective.

Beatrix is kind and caring, I would definitely recommend her


NHS Manager



Beatrix is a great coach.

I started working with her because of my sleeping problems. I couldn't sleep well and having a small baby surely wasn't making things easier.

After just few months of working together my sleep quality has increased from what it felt like 0 to an honest 8. I wake up in the morning feeling energized and ready, while before I had to literally drag myself out of bed!

Moreover Beatrix not only has helped me, but helped me teaching my daughter how to sleep better. And in the process we followed, we worked on and improved so many areas of my life that did affect my sleep even though I never thought so.

Beatrix is professional, reliable, knowledgeable, and so kind. She was fully present and supported me every step of the way.

I absolutely suggest working with her!

Alessandra Scicchitano

UX Designer and IT Engineer as seen on



I initially went to Beatrix for insomnia, while I was hesitant not knowing if anything would work, by the second session I had gone from a few hours to get to sleep to about 15 minutes with some simple changes to my lifestyle.

Over the course we went though a set of exercises and assessments that helped me to understand myself and the things in my life that were causing me issues. with a good toolbox of things to do I am now much more proactive and use my time better.

My sleep has improved so much that I now get a good night's sleep every night and it is all thanks to the lessons Beatrix has taught me.

George Taylor

AEM Solutions Architect as seen on

I had struggled with sleep for 5 years, still awake until 3 am most nights. In the first session, Beatrix was quickly able to establish the areas I needed to focus on.

Just putting some simple changes in place, within two weeks I managed to get additional sleep. Within 6 weeks I was sleeping every night moving from average 3 hours to 6 hours sleep every night and it has continued to improve.

After 3 months I am still sleeping 6-7 hours most nights.

You definitely have to be prepared to be open and honest in order for Beatrix to really get under the skin of what is causing the sleep issues, but she has also helped me in other parts of my life, particular creating more work/life balance, giving me so much more time for myself.

I would absolutely recommend Beatrix, she's always there to talk to me, understand what was causing my sleep challenge and bring me back on track, always having tools for me to use or refocussing on the ones she had already shared.

Leah Queripel

HR Director



Prior to Beatrix I was trying every trick in the book to sleep. Everything from weighted blankets, pills, apps, hacks but nothing really worked.

Beatrix helped to tailor a plan specific to my issues and simplified things so I no longer needed all the previous remedies. This focused on the core of my sleep issues, addressed them and helped develop confidence and consistency with sleep.

Beatrix is a great communicator and very knowledgable in this field.

Gareth Jones

Compositor as seen on



When I started with Beatrix I was exhausted, run down, not sleeping well at all and life was generally a mess in my head without me knowing it. Most nights I was struggling to fall asleep for over an hour, would wake up 2 or 3 times a night tossing and turning and only sleeping around 3-5 hours.

I had suffered with this problem all of my life but it got worst with responsibility and stress.

Working with Beatrix has allowed me to make my own choices in a controlled manner and enabled me to put myself and family life first which is what everybody needs to do.

I am now sleeping fantastically and could not say enough about the results I have received. I fall asleep within about 20 minutes most nights and sleep about 7 good quality hours consistently.

Seriously recommend using Beatrix's services if you struggle with sleep .. or anything else for that matter! Amazing!


Director of building services company



My sleep problems really began when I became a teacher. In my first year of teaching, I got up very early, worked flat out all day, worked till 12am, finally hit the pillow and hardly sleep at all.

My head was buzzing of course! It would take hours for me to fall asleep and some nights it felt like I didn't sleep at all. This continued for weeks until I got ill and sometimes felt too weak to get up. I ended up getting shingles.

I thought my sleep problems would go away after my first year but they continued into my second and third year of teaching until I wasn't even sleeping during my school Christmas holidays.

I was so overcome with anxiety I struggled to socialise at family Christmas dinners. That's when I suddenly thought...surely there must be someone on the internet that could help me fix my sleep.

So, I went to google and of course there were LOADS of sleep coaches all promising to transform my sleep. But I decided to choose Beatrix over all of them mainly when I read her client's reviews. Many of the reviews explained that Beatrix's work wasn't just about sleep but about working out your personality, helping with your workload and creating a good work-life balance. When I read that, I knew I had found exactly what I needed!

I was nervous about committing to Beatrix at the beginning. So many people on the internet promise to help you and they never do. But I soon discovered, only after a few sessions, I was not wasting my time or money. Within my first few sessions I was already falling asleep within 15 minutes and consistently sleeping more hours during the night.

Was I given pills to take? No. Was I given sleep podcasts to fall asleep to? No. Some sessions we didn't even talk about sleep. I had sessions on people pleasing, perfectionism and emotions.

I learnt that pills and podcasts are all plasters and quick fixes. Beatrix really dug until she found the real root of the problem. Once she found the real problem, she gave me strategies to improve each area I struggled with, which then led to a better nights sleep.

The real truth is, I feel like a completely different person. I sleep better, I work less, I stress less, I can think more clearly, I take care of myself first before trying to please everyone else, I'm more confident and I feel more balanced and in control.

I'm now entering my 4th year of teaching, excited and not afraid of what lies ahead!

So, would I recommend Beatrix's Sleep Deep MethodĀ®? YES! Be prepared for your sleep to improve and so much more!


Primary School Teacher



So this is my story of what I've been through over many years of dealing with insomnia, it started over 25 years ago when I was working late nights, I had never been a good sleeper, but this made it worse.

When insomnia came into my life I used alcohol to help me sleep, and then when Nytol came on to the market I used this to help aid sleep, which it did for a good few years. The effects of Nytol slowly stopped working and it was taking longer to get to sleep, so I decided to get extra help. This process was getting CBT sessions, which did work very well for twelve months, but that wore off and I resorted back to Nytol. I then tried the NHS Sleepio sleep guide, which did nothing and then tried hypnotherapy which did nothing as well. I then went back to CBT which did not work at all this time.

Then four years ago, I suffered the loss of my farter and I suffered a brain injury at the same time and my insomnia went downhill very quickly.

I was lost and did not know what to do as I had tried everything, so I resorted to using medication, cannabis and alcohol, at first individually, but that wore off in the end. So I combined all three at the same time, and guess what... yes I was out like a light every night, which was fine, but the next day did I feel bad, so this went on for a year and a half till one day I just could not take it any more and decided that I was going to seek help.

I thought if you can find life coaches then I'm sure I can find a sleep coach, which is where I stumbled on Beatrix.

The process which she talked me through was step by step was painless and gradually through the sessions, it got down into the end that I was drinking very little to get me to sleep and it's true that I was feeling ok in the mornings with very little hangovers.

But I decided to go further and I went clean, with no drink or anything to aid in sleep. This was easy and now I just go to bed and sleep it can take a while some nights maybe 30 mins or more but this process is easy and I feel comfortable in this process of going to sleep.

Was meeting Beatrix and working with her life changing for me... possibly, yes. And even 6 months after we finished our work, my sleep continues to improve.

Writing this has made me a little emotional about what I've been through to get to this stage of my new sleep. Trust me, no one had worse insomnia than me, and I mean no one.

So, if you have come this far with reading the testimonials, my advice is to go for it, as Beatrix said to me " what have you got to lose "

Paul Flaherty

Director of property investment company



When I started work with Beatrix, I was 51 and hadnā€™t averaged more than five-and-a-half hoursā€™ sleep a night since my daughter was born. I was stressed out about it because I know poor sleep habits are correlated with ill health.

At times I was scared to drive because I was so tired, I wasnā€™t confident Iā€™d react quickly enough. It wasnā€™t that I couldnā€™t get to sleep: I couldnā€™t stay asleep. Iā€™d wake up multiple times between 1 and 5 in the morning, toss and turn for an hour, get bored and pick up one of my devices.

I tried melatonin (didnā€™t work and gave me panic attacks). I tried anti-histamines (didnā€™t work and linked to Alzheimerā€™s). I saw my doctor, who prescribed me sleeping pills (didnā€™t work) and then a very low dose antidepressant that can help with insomnia, but that didnā€™t really make a difference either. Iā€™d been on those meds for about 2 years when I met Beatrix.

What I liked about working with Beatrix was that I could tell her anything and she didnā€™t judge me; she just showed how that was affecting my sleep. We had regular sessions to review my sleep diary and figure out cause and effect for my sleep patterns and to come up with practical approaches to changing my habits.

By the end of the first session, I decided not to take any more sleep meds and Iā€™ve been off them ever since. Beatrix spaces the habit changing out over the sessions so it never feels overwhelming.

At this point, I average 7 hours of sleep. Thatā€™s what I was getting when I was in my twenties. I donā€™t have to drag myself through the day. I used to feel as if I was permanently jet-lagged, but the fog in my brain has lifted.

I went to Beatrix to figure out my sleep but the change has been much more profound than that. Itā€™s been a life changer. Forever grateful.


Vice President, Professional Services Firm



I met Beatrix in 2018 and she improved my sleeping immediately with only minor and personal adjustments to my lifestyle.

I cannot thank her enough in that my whole life is now more balanced. Our sessions have moved onto positive outcomes generally AND my sleep is now nigh on perfect.

I was previously only sleeping a few hours. Thank you Beatrix

Bob Holt OBE

Philanthropist and Chairman as seen on

These are just some of the testimonials from my work with clients.

If you'd like to find out whether my sleep coaching for adults is suitable for you and the type of sleep problems or insomnia you're struggling with, find the link below for the Complimentary Sleep AssessmentĀ Consultation.

Need personalised help overcoming your long-term insomnia or other sleep problems?

Book Your Complimentary Sleep Coaching Session

Live Group Sleep CoachingĀ Testimonials

The Sleep Skills For Life Programme has really changed my sleep for the better and above all, it has helped me change my mindset about it.

The course is really practical and contains lots of exercises to explore and question your current routines and mindsets around sleep to figure out what is helpful and what can be changed.

More often than not these changes turned out to be small adjustments rather than big changes, and with additional support from Beatrix, the course has helped me to stay focused and consistent and see the results of it.

Most importantly the programme stayed true to its name as after completing it I feel confident and equipped with the right tools to get back on track whenever my sleep might change again in the future.


Sleep Skills for Life Programme Member



I used to be a great sleeper, then going through stress at work, further compounded by menopause, then grief and finally personal stress, I lost the ability to sleep through the night.

It became a frequent occurrence to sleep for 3 to 5 hours. It didn't help that my mum used to sleep badly ā€“ so I would frequently be told "oh it's just how you are", which I didn't believe but still couldn't get longer than 5 hours!

Then I met Beatrix. What for me was most interesting is that much of what Beatrix teaches is common sense, or things we already know ā€“ but have forgotten.

But she also has some real gems. Regardless of your sleeping issue there is a technique or suggestion to help.

Having now completed the Sleep Skills for Life Programme I am now achieving 5-8 hours sleep on a regular basis. It is interesting to note the difference it makes. It's huge!

Even my 5 hours I feel refreshed as I'm now definitely getting consistently more hours in a week.

It is important to persevere with the programme ā€“ it is not an overnight fix, and even now I've finished there are still nights that aren't great, but I can now relax in to them and know its not forever, so even then I'm less tired.


Sleep Skills for Life Programme Member



I found the group sleep coaching programme very interesting and it not only helped me make huge improvements to my sleep but has helped me understand what a vital role adequate sleep has on my overall wellbeing.

I've learned a lot about myself too and how my personality affects my sleep.

I now take time for myself and make sure I put sleep first.

Thank you Beatrix for such a great program.Ā 


Sleep Skills for Life Programme Member

I joined the group sleep coaching programme a broken human and felt like I was on the brink of a break after 12 months of insomnia and after trying multiple failed methods to cure it.

Insomnia was literally ruining my life, cost me a lot of money and was gradually robbing me of my sanity.

This course made me feel like I was not alone and I felt like Beatrix truly understood the desperation someone who struggles with sleep feels. Beatrix has a natural warmth and empathetic nature.

The course content is simple yet effective and gives you an in-depth understanding of the several factors that impact sleep. I learnt how my own actions were fuelling my insomnia.

This course arms you with practical skills for getting your sleep back to a regular pattern.

Iā€™ll always be eternally grateful. Thank you Beatrix.


Sleep Skills for Life Programme Member



After a difficult bereavement which affected my sleep seriously for the first time in my life (I don't think the pandemic helped either!), I was not in a happy place when I began the Sleep Skills for Life group sleep coaching programme.

I wasn't sure which way to turn and I was very anxious.

But I have found Beatrix's kind, compassionate approach to sleep issues has helped me re frame my sleep 'journey', relax and guess what, my sleep has improved so much as a result, and continues to.

Listen to Beatrix, she knows the answers!


Sleep Skills for Life Programme Member



Before I began the Sleep Skills for Life Programme with Beatrix my sleep pattern was all over the place.

I would stay up very late at night watching tv and then try to get up very early the next morning.

Beatrix helped me to realise that I was putting too much pressure on myself-wanting to be more disciplined in getting up early in the morning. After working with Beatrix I understood the reasons why I was staying up late watching tv.

I learned some very helpful things on how to prepare going to bed, thank you Beatrix.


Sleep Skills for Life Programme Member

Developing Sleep Skills and overcoming sleep problems or insomnia is completely possible even in an interactive and live group sleep coaching environment. Please note, results will vary depending on the amount of work, effort and commitment you put into the programme.

Interesting in joining the Sleep Skills for Life Programme?

Click here to find out more and join our next live groups sleep coaching call

Corporate WorkshopĀ Testimonials

Had a fantastic one to one with Sleep Expert Beatrix Schmidt in work as part of our ongoing WebHEALTH programme.

I just want to say a huge thanks and I would recommend it to everyone.

It was very insightful and got lots of great advice. It's a journey to get good sleep back in my life and Beatrix has given me invaluable coaching and suggestions to help.

Thanks and I couldn't recommend it enough.Ā 


Brand Engagement Manager as seen on LinkedIn.comĀ 



We recently had Beatrix Schmidt come in to do a sleep workshop with us to promote well being among our staff.

The workshop was interactive and engaging and we all came out with practical changes we could make to improve our sleep.

We have already had feedback from several staff members that they went and put some things in practice straight away and have already noticed and improvement in the quality of their sleep!

I would highly recommend Beatrix Schmidt for an insightful and interactive sleep workshop!

Thank you

Lucy Furnival-Doran

Senior Learning and Development Manager as seen on



Attending Beatrix's seminar over lunch was a great investment of my time, as it was a great way in which to reacquaint myself with the approaches I need to take in order to enjoy healthy sleep.

I enjoyed the honesty of Beatrix's testimony and it was great to hear from a practitioner who has struggled with the same kinds of issues associated with sleep, who showed real empathy to the kinds of issues people were experiencing.

The seminar acted as a great 'reset' for me, and since then I have been enjoying real improvements in my sleep - mainly due to the reintroduction of a proper bedtime routine.

Sufina A - Manager



Beatrix took part in a health and wellbeing season organised for the team here at Guy's and St Thomas' Charity.

We knew that sleep was something people were interested in and some were struggling with.

Her talk was interesting and focused on adjusting your routine to support better sleep.

Beatrix has a lovely relaxed presenting style and is clearly passionate about her work.

The session covered a lot of ground and she also signposted to some further materials for people to refer to.

Catherine Cullen

Director of Communications as seen on


Beatrix has collaborated with my online wellness company Blisspot, for the past two years, providing online sleep education. Beatrix is a master in her area of expertise and is totally committed to and passionate about helping as many people as possible to overcome sleep problems and get a deep and restful nights sleep.Ā 

A Harvard research study found that $63.2 billion lost productivity per year in the United States alone due to insomnia (Forbes 2016). Sleep is a massive global issue. The world is very fortunate indeed to have someone such a Beatrix, so dedicated and with deep knowledge in offering practical strategies, to overcome the widespread sleep issues that people are currently dealing with.

Beatrix has an online sleep course, on Blisspots online wellbeing platform, which is one of the most popular courses on the site. She provided a World-Class Sleep webinar for a Blisspot partner GO1, providing awareness in the UK, about the importance of sleeping well in relation to mental health.Ā 

Beatrix is the utmost professional, reliable, knowledgable, passionate and gets results when it comes to educating people on how to get a good night sleep. When people sleep better it positively impacts all areas of their life, such as their career, health and relationships.Ā 

Beatrix's work is much needed and highly valued in taking the world forward in positive and life-enhancing ways.

Deborah Tyson

CEO and Founder of BlisspotĀ 

I am so pleased that I contacted Beatrix to be part of our Stress Awareness Week at London South Bank University (LSBU) for our organisation during Stress Awareness Month.

What I loved about my initial phone call with Beatrix was her confidence that she would be able to help our staff ā€“ and having just wrapped up the session, I really believe she has!Ā 
Her knowledge, experience & passion for quality sleep really shines through and is presented clearly, thoroughly and compassionately via practical tips, easy to follow explanations and tangible outcomes.

The engagement & feedback from colleagues during the session, delivered virtually, was fantastic with one colleague stating "I've been to so many of these stress and sleep talks in different organisations over the years, this has been the most helpful and most practical and realistic."
On top of a wonderful session to kick off our week of activities that made decent sleep feel accessible to all, Beatrix is incredibly generous with sharing her time & personal experience and an absolute joy to work with.

LSBU will definitely be working with Beatrix again in the future ā€“ THANK YOU BEATRIX!!

Neil Hudson-Basing

Corporate Events Manager, LSBU



Beatrix gave an insightful and empathetic talk to over 30 of our employees about the importance of good sleep and how to get it.

She really knew what she was talking about and was able to give tips that none of us had even considered before, thanks to her own examples and experiences.

She was very easy to talk to and very relatable, nothing was too complicated and yet very interesting and thought provoking.

The feedback received from all of the attendees was very positive and I hope to see some very well rested employees at New Era going forward thanks to Beatrix!

Helena Wittenbach

HR Manager New Era Cap as seen on

Ā Ā 


Thanks for coming in to speak with our team! I have been hearing lots of employees quoting your advice on keeping the bedroom for sleeping (not reading, TV or phones) and saying how they've noticed a positive difference already!

Antonia Katsambis

HR Director as seen on



Beatrix kindly ran some sleep workshops at an event that we co-run with The Priory recently about workplace wellbeing.

We wanted to give our HR Director attendees a taster of the workshops we offer as part of their wellbeing plan.

We asked people to choose between a mindfulness taster or sleep taster and we had an equal split!

The Sleep workshop was a great insight into what can be offered in workplaces as part of their programmes.

The participants had lots of questions that were dealt with very well by Beatrix who really is a sleep expert!

Debbie Kleiner-Gaines

Head of Workplace Happiness as seen on



Beatrix was one of our expert speakers with our Live Long Well Summit that we organized in October 2017.

From the first conversation, you could tell how knowledgeable she is about sleep and her passion for helping others overcome sleep issues.

It was easy to arrange and liaise with her which always helps when organising such complex events.

During the interview for the summit, she pointed out so many things that are often overlooked when it comes to improving sleep.

We had over 2,000 people watch this interview and the feedback was 100% positive.

She is very easy to talk to and she presents her topic in a practical and simple way which helped the attendees to start improving their sleep right away.

She has a warm and genuine style that comes from real life experience that we can relate to.

Julia Lundstrom

CEO as seen on

On the dedicated page for corporate clients - see the link below - you can also find out how I work with corporate clients and see video examples of my corporate workshops and talks with previous clients.

Arrange a call to discuss how you'd like to support your employees or colleagues with their sleep

Click here to find out more and arrange a call with Beatrix