The Sleep Skills for Life Programme
A 4-month group sleep coaching programme hosted by Beatrix A Schmidt
Designed to support you in overcoming sleep problems and insomnia through developing practical sleep skills that will help you for many years to come
Enrolment for the Sleep Skills for Life Programme is currently open.
Our next live Group Sleep Coaching Session is scheduled for
Wednesday, 19th March 2025 at 7 pm GMT time
You can absolutely overcome your sleep problems and insomnia!
Of course, you want to sleep consistently well but you've tried and tested so many things without long-lasting results.
You want to be able to fall asleep easily in the evening but you're just not sure how to make it happen night after night. You want to be able to sleep through the night without tossing and turning in bed helpless and frustrated in the middle of the night. You want to wake up rested, refreshed and energised in the mornings so you can really enjoy your life and achieve all those things you set out to do!
Every night you go to bed with the hope that you'll be able to sleep well, crossing your fingers that tonight will be a better night. But day after day you've given up a little bit more, questioning whether you'll ever be able to sleep consistently well again.
No matter what you've tried and tested in the past, spending hours researching and reading about the latest tips, results don't seem to follow.
You just can't seem to make good sleep happen!?
I know how it feels, I used to struggle with insomnia and sleep problems just like many of my previous clients. I used to toss and turn in bed for hours, frequently waking up with nose bleeds in the night. Once I was up in the night, my mind would become overactive making it hard or even impossible to fall back to sleep again. And of course, getting up in the morning was a real problem too because I used to feel consistently tired or even exhausted.
According to various global research and analysis, 1 in every 3 adults struggle to get a sufficient amount of sleep, and experience sleep problems or insomnia on a consistent basis.
(RAND Europe's report - Why sleep matters - the economic costs of insufficient sleep)
I've also seen this through working with clients in my private sleep coaching practice and delivering workshops and talks since 2014.
I've met and spoken to so many people like you who struggle with similar problems that I struggled with when my insomnia was it's worse.
This is why I've created this 4-month-long live and interactive group sleep coaching programme and packed it with all the knowledge, practical tools and techniques that I've learned over the years researching and studying sleep.
Find out how you can join usWhat previous member's say about the programme
Every group sleep coaching client comes into the programme with different severity of sleep problems or insomnia. It's important to know that results naturally vary depending on the amount of work, effort and commitment you put into doing what it takes to finally overcome your sleep problems.
The Sleep Skills For Life Programme has really changed my sleep for the better and above all, it has helped me change my mindset about it.
The course is really practical and contains lots of exercises to explore and question your current routines and mindsets around sleep to figure out what is helpful and what can be changed.
More often than not these changes turned out to be small adjustments rather than big changes, and with additional support from Beatrix, the course has helped me to stay focused and consistent and see the results of it.
Most importantly the programme stayed true to its name as after completing it I feel confident and equipped with the right tools to get back on track whenever my sleep might change again in the future.
Sleep Skills for Life Programme Member
I joined the group sleep coaching programme a broken human and felt like I was on the brink of a break after 12 months of insomnia and after trying multiple failed methods to cure it.
Insomnia was literally ruining my life, cost me a lot of money and was gradually robbing me of my sanity.
This course made me feel like I was not alone and I felt like Beatrix truly understood the desperation someone who struggles with sleep feels. Beatrix has a natural warmth and empathetic nature.
The course content is simple yet effective and gives you an in-depth understanding of the several factors that impact sleep. I learnt how my own actions were fuelling my insomnia. This course arms you with practical skills for getting your sleep back to a regular pattern.
I’ll always be eternally grateful. Thank you Beatrix.
Sleep Skills for Life Programme Member
I used to be a great sleeper, then going through stress at work, further compounded by menopause, then grief and finally personal stress, I lost the ability to sleep through the night. It became a frequent occurrence to sleep for 3 to 5 hours.
It didn't help that my mum used to sleep badly – so I would frequently be told "oh it's just how you are", which I didn't believe but still couldn't get longer than 5 hours!
Then I met Beatrix. What for me was most interesting is that much of what Beatrix teaches is common sense, or things we already know – but have forgotten. But she also has some real gems. Regardless of your sleeping issue there is a technique or suggestion to help.
Having now completed the Sleep Skills for Life Programme I am now achieving 5-8 hours sleep on a regular basis. It is interesting to note the difference it makes. It's huge!
Even my 5 hours I feel refreshed as I'm now definitely getting consistently more hours in a week. It is important to persevere with the programme – it is not an overnight fix, and even now I've finished there are still nights that aren't great, but
I can now relax in to them and know its not forever, so even then I'm less tired.
Sleep Skills for Life Programme Member
After a difficult bereavement which affected my sleep seriously for the first time in my life (I don't think the pandemic helped either!), I was not in a happy place when I began this group sleep coaching programme.
I wasn't sure which way to turn and I was very anxious.
But I have found Beatrix's kind, compassionate approach to sleep issues has helped me re frame my sleep 'journey', relax and guess what, my sleep has improved so much as a result, and continues to.
Listen to Beatrix, she knows the answers!
Sleep Skills for Life Programme Member
Before I began the Sleep Skills for Life Programme with Beatrix my sleep pattern was all over the place. I would stay up very late at night watching tv and then try to get up very early the next morning.
Beatrix helped me to realise that I was putting too much pressure on myself-wanting to be more disciplined in getting up early in the morning, After working with Beatrix I understood the reasons why I was staying up late watching tv.
I learned some very helpful things on how to prepare going to bed, thank you Beatrix.
Sleep Skills for Life Programme Member
I found the group sleep coaching programme very interesting and it not only helped me make huge improvements to my sleep but has helped me understand what a vital role adequate sleep has on my overall wellbeing.
I've learned a lot about myself too and how my personality affects my sleep. I now take time for myself and make sure I put sleep first.
Thank you Beatrix for such a great program.
Sleep Skills for Life Programme Member
What's inside of the Sleep Skills for Life Programme?

This programme is a structured and practical sleep course that will take you through a 7-step process that I've been using in my practice for many years. These steps are designed to support you with improving your sleep and even finally overcoming your insomnia or other sleep problems.
During this programme, we will set realistic sleep goals and review them at the beginning of each month. You'll then have work to do or exercises to practice which are all designed to get you closer to your sleep goals. As your sleep coach, I'll be here to help and support you to put the practical tools and techniques in place and celebrate with you once you see your sleep change in the coming weeks.
Each month, we will get together for two group coaching sessions where I'll answer all your questions to help and support you. Then you'll track your progress using The Sleep Deep Method® Sleep Diary, and I'll give you personal feedback and practical recommendations that will help you achieve your sleep goal. You will also have access to ask me your own questions in between the group sessions, so you don’t have to wait until the next live session.
As a World Sleep Day Ambassador, sleep coach, and the author of The Sleep Deep Method®, I’m excited to take on an even bigger role in helping tired and sleep-deprived professionals like you to finally learn to sleep well at night!
So let me tell you about what I will be teaching you during the next few months.
Disclaimer: please don't join, if you're not ready to prioritise your sleep or commit to the process and put your sleep at the top of your priority list. Once you start the Programme, there are strictly no refunds.
Sleep Skills for Life Programme
No matter which part of your sleep you struggle with, you'll be able to start with the area of sleep you want to improve the most (eg. switching off, sleeping through the night, waking up energized etc), and you will get access to tools and techniques that I've learned over the years to ensure great quality sleep consistently.
- Access to 2 Group Sleep Coaching Sessions hosted by me, your Sleep Coach, via Zoom lasting up to 90 minutes each month. These will be recorded for you to watch if you're not available to join us live
- Submit your questions in a private community for me to answer each month in between sessions (in our own platform, not on social media)
- Access to the full Programme Video Library for you to watch for the length of your time in the Programme (over 7 hours of practical sleep coaching content). These videos are designed to take you through a step by step, practical plan to overcome your sleep problems
- Downloadable worksheets, supporting documents, and access to pre-recorded Sleep Diary review videos
- We'll set sleep goals each month so you can continue improving one step at a time and achieve them
Click here for your payment optionsThe curriculum for the entire programme:
The Sleep Skills for Life Programme is designed to take you through a 7-step practical curriculum
Your entire 24 hours play a role in your ability to be able to sleep well or struggle with insomnia and other sleep problems. This is one of the most important things I've learnt through overcoming my insomnia and then studying and researching sleep for the past 12 years.
In order for us to sleep well consistently at night, we need to look much deeper than just how many hours we spend in bed on the number of hours we might sleep. Throughout this Programme, I will take you through the practical tools and techniques that have consistently delivered results for my one-to-one clients to develop those sleep skills.
Once you develop those practical sleep skills, they will continue helping you to sleep well for many years to come even through challenging times in your life.
Step one: Sleep Assessment
The first step with any of my work within this world of sleep, sleep problems and insomnia is the sleep assessment part.
This is the foundational part of the Programme to help us figure out the real root cause of your sleep problems and understand what is helping or hindering your ability to be able to sleep well consistently.
We'll then use this information to build a practical plan to overcome your sleep problems throughout this Programme.

Step two: Personality Traits
Over the years I've worked with many different clients from various backgrounds. What I found was that personality traits influence your ability to sleep well consistently in many ways.
We'll explore all 16 personality traits that can either hinder or help your ability to overcome your sleep problems and insomnia.
But this is not about changing who you are, it's about 'taming' those personality traits that cause your sleep or other problems so you can develop those sleep skills for life that really work for you.

Step three: Sleep Basics
This part of the Programme is all about untangling any of the misconceptions you might have picked up about sleep, sleep problems and insomnia.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of general advice, suggestions of hacks and secrets out there which often leads to more confusion and worsening sleep problems.
I have seen how detrimental and unhelpful these can be when you're doing your best to improve your sleep. So in this part of the Programme, we'll focus on how some of the important things you need to know about sleep can help you develop those practical sleep skills.

Step four: Falling Asleep
Trouble falling asleep easily is one of the most common sleep problems that I come across in my practice.
Tossing and turning in bed once you switched the lights off is such a frustrating experience! I still remember the time when I struggled with this part of my sleep, that feeling of tiredness but somehow I was just not able to fall asleep often for hours.
In this part of the Programme, we'll focus on the practical tools and techniques to help your body and your mind to transition into sleep naturally within a short period of time without struggling.

Step five: Staying asleep
Disturbed sleep at night is the second most common sleep problem that I come across on a daily basis.
This sleep problem is very close to my heart, as I used to wake up in the middle of the night with nosebleeds when my insomnia was the worse. On other nights I would wake up several times and not know what to do to fall asleep easily again.
During this part of the Programme, we first look at why you might be waking up initially, then we'll look at how you can decrease the number of nighttime wakings you have and help you to sleep through the night more easily and more consistently.

Step six: Waking up
Often people expect their bodies to be able to wake up naturally and easily. But the reality is that this is a very practical transition between the night to the day.
If your body and your mind are not waking up naturally in the morning, you'll more likely to feel tired and groggy throughout your entire day. There are a number of things that you can do in a practical way to help your body wake up more naturally, rather than just 'scaring' yourself out of bed with an alarm.
During this part of the Programme, we'll really look at those practical things you can do to wake up naturally both physically and mentally helping you to really feel refreshed and recharged.

Step seven: Energy levels
The final step within the Programme is all about your ability to maintain your energy level during the day even if you're not yet sleeping really well at night.
When it comes to sleep problems and insomnia, it's really important to look at how you can truly nourish and support your body and your mind during the day through better physical, emotional and mental energy.
The tools and techniques shared in this part of the Programme will continue to support you as your body goes through changes throughout your lifetime no matter what challenges you might face.

Live group sleep coaching calls:
Each month we'll get together for 2 group sleep coaching sessions hosted by me to answer any questions you have and support you with achieving your sleep goals. Here are the dates for the coming months:
Wednesday, 19th March 2025 - 7 pm GMT
Wednesday, 9th April 2025 - 7 pm BST
Wednesday, 23rd April 2025 - 7 pm BST
Wednesday, 14th May 2025 - 7 pm BST
How much does the Sleep Skills for Life Programme cost?
What you'll get access to when you join us:
Access to 2 Group Sleep Coaching Sessions hosted by me, your Sleep Coach, via Zoom lasting up to 90 minutes each month. These will be recorded for you to watch if you're not available to join us live
Submit your questions in a private community for me to answer each month in between sessions (in our own platform, not on social media)
Access to the full Programme Video Library for you to watch for the length of your time in the Programme (over 7 hours of practical sleep coaching content). These videos are designed to take you through a step by step, practical plan to overcome your sleep problems
Downloadable worksheets, supporting documents, and access to pre-recorded Sleep Diary review videos
We'll set sleep goals each month so you can continue improving one step at a time and achieve them
These payment options are for 4 consecutive months from your enrolment date to ensure that we walk you through the different parts of sleep and how you can optimise each pillar of your sleep.
This Programme is suitable for you if you are serious about building a practical plan to overcome your sleep problems. Overcoming sleep problems and insomnia takes time and work but I'll be delighted to help and support you to get to your sleep goals. Bring an open mind and commitment to improving your sleep and let's build a plan that will work for you.
Please note, that there are no refunds once you log in to access the Programme Platform. If you have any questions or are unsure about whether this programme is for you, please click here to get in touch.
Choose from the two payment options below:
One to One Coaching
Book Your AssessmentEnrolment for the Sleep Skills for Life Programme is open.
I'm looking forward to welcoming new members and supporting you to finally overcome their sleep problems or insomnia.
Please note, that results may vary and will depend on the amount of work you put into applying and implementing the relevant practical tools and techniques shared within the Sleep Skills for Life Programme. This Programme is not for you if you are looking for hacks or 'quick fixes' or you're not ready to work on overcoming your sleep problems.
Sleeping well consistently every night is less about your science ‘knowledge’ and more about developing practical sleep skills
Join my community to start learning how to develop your sleep skills