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I regularly record and publish sleep coaching resources here on my blog, and on my YouTube Channel to help and support you to start learning about overcoming insomnia and other sleep problems.

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Beatrix A Schmidt

Sleep Coach, Professional Speaker, creator of the Sleep Skills for Life Programme and the Author of The Sleep Deep Method®

Sleeping well consistently every night is less about your science ‘knowledge’ and more about developing practical sleep skills

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There is no such thing as 'quick', 'easy' and 'effortless' but...

Of course, you can also learn those practical ways that you can overcome your sleep problems and insomnia too.

Since 2014, I have published many articles and videos to help you get to know your sleep better and overcome sleep problems and even insomnia. Some of the videos are recorded at previous talks or simply answering a question from my audience on a particular topic.

On this page, you will find the most recently published resource.

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How to stop your mind from racing at night?

How to stop your mind from racing at night?

It's always best to watch the entire video so that you can see the step-by-step explanation of how I use exercise in my practice helping clients.

But here are some chapters for you:

00:00 Introduction to racing mind and sleep problems

01:55 Teaching Sleep Skills for Life

02:22 Struggling with racing mind

03:01 First step is to look at your mind’s tendencies

09:33 Second step is to figure out which part of your sleep is impacted by your racing mind

11:02 Third step is to look for tools and techniques

13:39 How to find tools and techniques to decrease your racing mind

17:13 Conclusion to stoping your mind from racing at night

Racing mind at night, and overthinking before sleep is a very common part of long-term sleep problems and insomnia. So naturally I deal with a variation of these problems in my sleep coaching practice on a daily basis. 

In today’s video, I’ll share a practical process with you that I use in my practice as well. This way, you’ll be in a better position to find appropriate tools and techniques for the type of racing mind that stops you from sleeping consistently well at night. 

If racing mind is the main reason that you can't sleep well, then what I’ll share with you today is going to be very helpful. But as always, please bear in mind that there are no general sleep tips or sleep advice that works with every single type of racing mind in the same way. 

When I work with clients, ways to calm racing mind before bed will depend on the type of ‘racing' or 'overthinking' that shows up. As I mentioned in this video those examples will help you to be more practical about this topic and still figure out how to calm your busy mind. 

Long-term insomnia and sleep problems are definitely closely linked to racing thoughts and a busy mind more commonly in today’s world. Our mind consumes a lot more information during the day than it ever did, which naturally causes more busyness as a standard. 

But learning how to shut your brain off to sleep is a bit more complex than it seems initially. We're all very different, so comparing one type of ‘busy mind’ to another doesn't help you to look for very personalised tools and techniques, that is a really sad reality I see every day. 

I use various techniques to help my clients quiet their minds for sleep. But as I mentioned in the video ways to slow down your overactive mind don't always mean to lack of thoughts. 

It's important to remember that in a practical way, to slow down your mind means to help you learn how to effectively bring down the intensity of the thoughts rather than a perfection of no thoughts at all. This is especially true for more thinker-type personality traits. 

I hope that his video and the other videos I shared with you today will help you to look at this issue in a practical way. 



Join my community to start learning how to develop your sleep skills

Sleeping well consistently every night is less about your science ‘knowledge’ and more about developing practical sleep skills

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