How to design an effective bedtime routine

Excelsior Multi Academy Trust - May 2021

In this video, we'll talk about how to put together a 'bedtime routine' that will actually help you to fall asleep easily and consistently every night.

Please note, this video is part of a longer Masterclass on this topic of sleep and insomnia but it's designed to encourage you to start focusing on developing what Beatrix calls Sleep Skills For Life.


The Excelsior MAT team has also agreed to provide you with further support to actually work on overcoming your sleep problems. 

If you'd like to join the structured 90-minute long Masterclass in the Sleep Skills for Life series (details below), please contact a member of the team who sent you the link to this video.

How to fall asleep easily and consistently in the evening

Not being able to fall asleep easily and consistently, tossing and turning in bed for a long time is one of the most common sleep problems, but it's not as difficult to overcome as most people think.
During this Masterclass, Beatrix will go through a step-by-step practical guide on how you can help your body and your mind to prepare for sleep that will help you to fall asleep easily and know how you can actually make that happen every night consistently.

Click here to find out more and join us